Consign your equipment
In addition to purchasing equipment, we also offer a consignment program. When you want to sell your used equipment, we can help you set the selling price according to its condition and its used market market value. This pricing can be altered to meet your expectation, You can then have us sell it for you on consignment or based on the type equipment. We would be happy to purchase your items. Selling your equipment through us on consignment is the easiest way to sell and you will receive 70% of the net value of your equipment. Contact us for more information.
Camera Solutions receives 30% of the final sale on items over $150.00 and 40% for item below $150.00. Payments will be made to Consignee 30-days from date of sale. Equipment are consigned for 90-days. A $20 processing fee will apply if equipment is withdrawn by consignee before 90 days.Camera Solutions is not responsible for any malfunctions of your equipment.
If you would like to submit information about your equipment, please click here
If you would like to receive more information about consignment, email us . To speak with a customer service representative, please call (503) 452-3907. We'll respond as soon as possible to your request.
Consignment Frequently Asked Questions:
Why does Camera Solutions, Inc. require my contact info and Driver’s License number?
Camera Solutions, Inc. collects your contact information for a couple of reasons. Portland Police Dept. requires a log of contact info/ License number of customers that are selling their used equipment. We will have to report this information in detail, including, all serial numbesr of the equipment that are being consigned. There is a two week wait period before we can put your equipment up for sale. We collect your information so we can contact you regarding any updates or changes to your consignment item.
What is the value of my consignment (how much do I get when my item sells?
The net value of a consignment item is the selling price minus the cost of any necessary repairs. For items selling for more than $150,00 customers receive 70% of the net value. On items that are selling for $150 or less, customers receive the 60% of net value.
When do I receive my check?
When we sell your equipment, we offer a 30 day warranty period for all used / consigned items sold in our store. You will receive a check from us at the end of the warranty period.
What if my item is returned with in the warranty period?
Any item brought in for possible warranty repair is first examined to make sure it is eligible for warranty service. Damage due to user negligence is not covered under warranty. The cost of any warranty service for a consignment item is deducted from the value of the consignment. It is up to you to decide to make repairs or have us refund the customer. The consignee is responsible for any expenses for refunding the purchase (up to 10% of the purchase price)
When will I receive payment for my consignment?
After your consignment item has sold and the 30 day warranty period has expired, we will review your account and mail out your check to the address you privided.