
Ilford Pan F Plus 50 35mm Film
$12.00Key Features
- Slow speed ISO 50
- Exceptionally fine grain
- Outstanding resolution & sharpness
- 35mm & 120 Roll Film available
Ilford 400 XP2 SUPER 120
$11.00Key Features
- High speed ISO 400
- B&W film using colour C41 processing
- Wide exposure latitude and well defined highlights
- 35mm, 120 Roll and Single Use Cameras available
Ilford 400 HP5 Plus 120 Film
$10.00Key Features
- High speed ISO 400
- Great results in varied lighting conditions
- Wide exposure latitude
- 35mm, 120 Roll & Sheet Film available
Ilford Delta 400 Professional 120 film
$10.25Key Features
- High speed ISO 400
- Exceptional sharpness and detail
- Core-Shell™ crystal technology
- 35mm and 120 Roll Film available
Kentmere 100 35mm Film
$6.75Key Features
- Medium speed ISO 100
- Fine grain and good sharpness
- Broad tonal range with good contrast
- 35mm cassettes and bulk lengths available